Practical Reverse Engineering Exercises – Ch1-Ex1 – Write-Up

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This is the first post of what should be a blog series following my progress with the “Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation”, Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sebastien Josse, ISBN: 978-1-118-78731-1.

The book includes number of exercises and the authors encourage the people to blog their solutions. That is exactly what I intent to do.
The solutions source code and write-ups PDF versions could be found also at the github repository at

Chapter1-Exercise1 – Task

“This function uses a combination SCAS and STOS to do its work. First, explain what is the type of the [EBP+8] and [EBP+C] in line 1 and 8, respectively. Next, explain what this snippet does.

01: 8B 7D 08         mov   edi, [ebp+8]
02: 8B D7            mov   edx, edi
03: 33 C0            xor   eax, eax
04: 83 C9 FF         or    ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
05: F2 AE            repne scasb
06: 83 C1 02         add   ecx, 2
07: F7 D9            neg   ecx
08: 8A 45 0C         mov   al, [ebp+0Ch]
09: 8B FA            mov   edi, edx
10: F3 AA            rep stosb
11: 8B C2            mov   eax, edx”

Excerpt from: “Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation”,
Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sebastien Josse, ISBN: 978-1-118-78731-1

My Short answer

EBP+8 is of type pointer to a char (first element of null terminated string)
EBP+C is of type char (1 byte)
The snippet is a body of a function responsible for replacing every character from a given string with another predefined character.

My Interpretation

Using some initial previous knowledge about how the function calls in assembly work I assumed that the snippet is most probably part of a function body. Those suspicions were fed by the use of EBP register, particularly [EBP+8] and [EBP+0Ch]. Usually those are pointers to the function arguments. The following is a standard representation of the stack layout after a function call.

Detailed Intel x86 function calls explanation could be found on

Snippet walkthrough

Line of code Explanation
01: 8B 7D 08 mov edi, [ebp+8] Load the first function argument to EDI (pointer to our string abcdefgh)
02: 8B D7 mov edx, edi Store the current EDI value (pointer to our string abcdefgh) into EDX for purpose clarified later
03: 33 C0 xor eax, eax EAX =0
04: 83 C9 FF or ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh Set ECX to maximum representable value (-1 when viewed as signed value).
05: F2 AE repne scasb Traverse through every string character (the one pointed by EDI) till Null terminator is reached. That comes as a combination of SCASB instruction which compares EDI and AL values. REPNE re- peats SCASB until EDI and AL(0) match or until ECX becomes 0.

This operation increments EDI and decrements ECX automatically.


06: 83 C1 02 add ecx, 2 Those 2 lines could be explained as follows:
Before executing the instruction at line 06 the initial string has been traversed including the Null terminator.
Assuming that the string is N characters long (In the case of abcdefgh N=8) then the ECX has been decreased N +1 times (be- cause of the Null terminator) and taking in account the fact that its initial value was -1 then at that point
ECX = -N -2
So what exactly is going on in line 06 and 07?
add ecx, 2 ;increase the ECX value with 2 i.e. ECX=-N
neg ecx ; ECX=-(-N)=N

That means that after executing line 06 and 07, ECX register contains the length of the initial string (in our case 8).

07: F7 D9 neg ecx
08: 8A 45 0C mov al, [ebp+0Ch] Load the second function argument into AL (Our character *). Since AL register is used we can safely assume that the size of the argu- ment is 1 byte.
09: 8B FA mov edi, edx Load what is stored in EDX to EDI. Looking back at line02 we see that EDX stores pointer to the first function argument (our initial string abcdefgh)
10: F3 AA rep stosb STOSB reads AL value (*) and stores it at the address pointed by EDI (first character of our abcdefgh string). REP will execute STOSB until ECX value becomes 0. After each execution EDI is increment- ed and ECX is decremented automatically. Before executing this instruction ECX=N which means that the operation will be repeat- ed N times (in our case 8 times)
11: 8B C2 mov eax, edx” EDX points to the first character of the modified string. Usually the result of a function is stored in EAX register. That line of code sup- ports the initial theory that the snipped is part of a function body.

Proof of concept

I decided to write an assembly program and run it through IDA Debugger to check if my interpretation is holding up which it did.
Note: This is a Linux assembly file using AT&T syntax. To assemble and link the code bellow execute the following form the command line:
$as -gstabs -o ex1_att.o ex1_att.s
$ld -o ex1_att ex1_att.o

As a result you should have ex1_att executable which you could examine with GDB, IDA or any other debugger of your choice.

Here is the listing of the program ex1_att.s:

        .asciz "abcdefgh"
        .globl _start
        .type TestFunc, @function
        # function prologue
        push %ebp              # preserve the old EBP value
        movl %esp, %ebp  
        # function body - same as the code from the book but in AT&T syntax
        movl 8(%ebp), %edi     # load the first function parameter in EDI - pointer to myStirng
        movl %edi, %edx        # store the initial EDI value in EDX
        xor %eax, %eax         # EAX = 0
        or $0xffffffff, %ecx   # set ECX to the maximum representable value
        repne scasb            # compare EDI content byte by byte with AL (NULL) or ECX becomes 0 :)
        add $2, %ecx           # at the end of repne scasb ECX has value (-strlen -2). With this sum ECX = -strlen
        neg %ecx               # ECX = strlen
        movb 12(%ebp), %al     # load second function argument
        movl %edx, %edi        # load the initial EDI value (firts argument) back to EDI
        rep stosb              # store strlen number of bytes in EDI al with the al value (character)
        movl %edx, %eax        # store EDX value in EAX
        # function epilogue 
        movl %ebp, %esp       # restore the old ESP value
        pop %ebp              # restore the old EBP value
       # push the function arguments into the stack
       push $0x2A             # ASCII '*'
       push $myString         # pointer to myString
       # call the function
       call TestFunc
       # exit gracefully (call software interrupt 1 - exit)
       movl $1, %eax
       movl $0, %ex
       int $0x80

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